Sales Office Location:
Aurora Energy Solutions
1205 First Ave.
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Most of our wood drops occur in the morning. Our office opens at 9am and the gate on the South side typically opens at 10am. It is not uncommon for customers to start lining up at the gate hours before we open for business. For each wood drop, there are usually 6-12 cords available. This amount of firewood is normally sold out within a few hours.
If we are actively hauling and dumping firewood into the barn, please do not enter the gate. For safety purposes, we cannot have customers in the area while the equipment is running.
You must sign in BEFORE loading firewood. If you arrived before we opened and are parked in line, please come inside once we open to sign in. We ask for your name, phone number, and vehicle info. This helps us to identify each customer to keep the process organized.
Firewood is available on a first-come, first-served basis with NO limit.
After the gate is opened, you can enter the yard to find a spot around the barn to safely begin loading firewood, either loosely or stacked. If the load is a mix of stacked and loose firewood, the entire load will be billed at the stacked rate.
Do not enter the barn with your vehicle.
When you have finished loading firewood into your vehicle and/or trailer, return to the main office on the East side of the building to have your order measured to determine the total cubic feet in which you will be charged. You will pay for the firewood and the transaction is complete - thank you for choosing to purchase our kiln-dried birch firewood!
Please remember that all firewood must be paid for before leaving.